Full Name
Mobile Number
Email Id
Name of Daughter or Son studying in SMBT
Course of your Son or Daughter Select OptionBachelor of CommerceBachelor of EducationBachelor of ScienceBachelor of Science (Computer Science)(Self Finance Scheme)Master in ScienceMaster in ArtsMaster in Commerce
Did the SBMT give you adequate information about the Work based Learning program before your child enrolled?
Have your child's grades or attendance shown improvement since enrolling?
How much of the syllabus of your child was covered in the class? 85 to 100%70 to 84%55 to 69%30 to 54%Below 30%
Fairness of the internal evaluation process by the teachers? Always FairUsually FairUsually UnfairUnfair
The institute takes active interest in promoting internship, student exchange and field visit opportunities for students? RegularlyOftenSometimesRarely
The Institute provides multiple opportunities to learn and grow? Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Facility of College? ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
Rate us college staff behaviour on 1-5 scale? PoorBadAcceptableGood5-best